
Our Goal: Establish $1.5 million as the minimum economic value for every human life in New Jersey’s courts

Valerie Menzel, Carmen's granddaughter, discusses the Justice for Carmen Foundation's mission

The current legal system does not adequately protect the elderly or anyone who is not working or is not wealthy because the New Jersey courts assign a low economic value to their lives. People like Carmen Chavez, pictured above, have even died as the result of medical negligence. Attorneys are reluctant to take on Elder abuse cases because even if they win they might get little compensation. This is especially true if the person incurred Medicare or Medicaid costs because they have to be paid back before any award is distributed to the plaintiff or their attorney. One of the reasons why the Justice for Carmen Foundation was established is to redress this injustice. With your help we can make sure that our loved ones will not suffer like Carmen and so many other people have.

How Can I Get “Justice for Carmen?” and Prevent Criminal Negligence in Our Hospitals?